December 12, 2024 RCSD Educator Digest
Educational Services
During the PDAC feedback last spring, it was shared that there was an interest in PE specific professional development. We are excited to bring this to you on January 6th. Please join everyone in the gym for the welcome, and then you will be having a training just for PE teachers in the Eich multi for the remainder of the morning (during the choice session time). All PE teachers will be in the multi from 8:40-12:00.
January 6th District PD Day
Hello RCSD Educators,
We are very excited for our upcoming district PD day on 1/6/25! Below is the schedule for the day:
At Eich Middle School
Doors open at 7:30am
8:00-8:15 Coffee/Muffins in the Gym
8:15-8:30 Opening message from Derk in the Gym
8:40-9:40 Session 1
9:50-10:50 Session 2
11:00-12:00 Session 3
12:00-1:30 Drive Time/Lunch
1:30-3:00 PLC Work- This will be your time with your PLC to share what you learned in the morning sessions, apply any new learning, plan next steps from what you learned from PD, and prepare for a successful start to the 2nd half of the year.
Below is the list of PD sessions that will be offered during our choice session time. Thank you to many of our own RCSD educators for helping present on this day. On the morning of January 6th we will link all session slides on this one document. Please bring a charged laptop as some sessions will require technology.
January 6, 2025 RCSD PD Choice Sessions
You do not need to sign up for any of the classes ahead of time. Just show up to which session you would like to see. Please do not make a copy of the document above as there could be additional changes before the PD day.
The only session that you need to indicate interest ahead of time is the CPR class. Space is limited and will be closed once we reach capacity. Please fill out the form below by 12/18 if you are interested. The CPR class takes the first two choice sessions and participants will need to complete a 90-minute work module beforehand. You will be notified by one of the nurses before break if you have been selected for this course.
CPR/AED Class Interest Form
Please see below for a map of the Eich campus and parking information. You can park on either side of Eich and the blacktop will be open for parking. We will have students and staff there to help our educators find which room they are going to if they need help. There will be QR codes in the gym and by the first sessions for sign in.
Eich PD Map
Thank you for all your work!
6-8 ELA Curriculum Pacing Guides
Below are ELA curriculum guides for Amplify and StudySync. These guides are a draft. We will spend time during our January ELA PD Cycle day to discuss the pacing and components of each unit. However, these drafts do contain information that may be helpful with updating your essential standards pacing guides.
ELA Curriculum Pacing Guides: 6th/ 7th/ 8th
Contact: Kelly Yusim
Upcoming Downtime for CAASPP and ELPAC Systems
If you are working on CAASPP or ELPAC interim assessments, please note the following downtimes. From Thursday, January 9, at 5 p.m. through Tuesday, January 14, at 8 a.m., the following systems will be unavailable: Completion Status System,Test Delivery System (including Test Administrator Interface) Data Entry Interface, and Test Operations Management System.
Contact: Kelly Yusim
i-Ready/IXL Window 2
The iReady and IXL (6-8 Math) window is from December 9th - January 24th. Please work with your PLC and site to determine when you would like to administer the second diagnostic. Below are some resources to help celebrate growth and effort on the assessments.
i-Ready Student Certificates
i-Ready Encouragement Cards
IXL Certificates
Contact: Kelly Yusim/Lisa Wegsteen
Personnel Services
FitOn Healthy Eating ResetSet your new eating GOALS for 2025. Sign on to Fit On and join this program.
Contact: Rene’ Perkett
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