
Showing posts from January, 2021

January 28, 2021 RCSD Educator Blog

Message from Jamey Schrey  #Celebrate  #Workinprogress Okay, I was late for the party. I got to the second episode of Schitt’s Creek, just not seeing where the show was going. Friends and colleagues said, “Stay with it. The characters will grow, and you will connect with them.” Many also shared, they had watched all the seasons more than once. What?  Well, I pushed onto episode three, then four, and then binged the whole thing! Honestly, I cried at the end. I was touched by the episode and was honestly sad that it was over. I was not sure why I was so sorry that it was over and then tripped up on the recap of making the season with the cast. What dawned on me was that I was sad that the characters I connected with were leaving me. The cast and famous directors  were interviewed on a separate episode and were able to articulate what I valued in the show: One director said, “Schitt’s Creek is joy. We need to find the value of every day. Joy is the hardest thing to get right and the easie

January 21, 2021 RCSD Educator Blog

Message from Jamey Schrey #Workinprogress I always love inauguration day. As the daughter of a history teacher, much of my childhood was spent listening to stories of the past in connection with the present. We, as a family, would surround the television for every inauguration, as well as the nightly news. No reruns or technology to assist if it was not live. During the inauguration, I have always enjoyed the pomp and circumstance, the traditions with new innovations, watching historical figures come out two by two, and the celebration of our nation highlighted with its red, white, and blue. I genuinely believe that the foundation of a democracy is built on education. Education is the foundation for rich conversation, collaboration, critical thinking, and the threads of interdependence in our global society. Both my parents were educators. Educators that believed that their work mattered to the future of our country. And educators that served children (72 years total), mostly children

January 14, 2021 RCSD Educator Blog

 Message from Jamey Schrey Little Actions Happy New Year! I hope that you all are doing well and are off to a great start. Over vacation, I enjoyed spending time with my husband and girls. We played lots of pickleball and board games. We also used House Party to play Uno and Pictionary with my sister and my nieces. Lots of laughs and fun memories, even in this time of having to be physically distant. On a walk during the break, I listened to a medical podcast where doctors talked about patients in building new habits. All three doctors kept recognizing the book Atomic Habits . As someone diagnosed with ADD, habits and routines do not always come easily to me, so I am always trying to learn new strategies. For example, I loved The Power of Habit because it gave clear examples and strategies to make shifts in my habits rather than just hoping to make changes. It was also so interesting and funny, which is a bonus with a more technical book. The author of Atomic Habits is a person who a

January 7, 2021 RCSD Educator Blog

Progress Report Reminder Middle School Teachers:   An email from the school site will go home on Friday, January 15th to remind parents they can check grades in Otus.  Here  is a sample of the message that will be sent home by the school site.  A reminder all student should have a grade for both Engagement and Work Completion. Elementary Teachers: A reminder, Ele mentary Progress Reports need to go home by Friday, January 15th.   There are two minimum expectations from the District when it comes to Progress Reports. 1. Any student that might receive a Limited on any domain on the Trimester 2 Report Card receives communication regarding progress from their teacher during progress report time.  This includes both academic domains, and the academic behavior and college readiness standards.  2. PLCs are on the same page in regards to what information they send home and when they send that home. Teachers are allowed to send additional information or send information to all students if they