March 22, 2019 RCSD Educator Blog

RCSD Teachers of the Year and Classified Employees of the Year
We are happy to announce our selections for RCSD Teachers of the Year and Classified Employees of the Year.  Congratulations to all!
  • Teacher of the Year (Elementary) - Ashley Rue - Blue Oaks
  • Teacher of the Year (Middle School) - Luanne Harold - Buljan
  • Classified Employee of the Year (Support Services) - Julie Sobczak - Chilton
  • Classified Employee of the Year (Instructional Support) - Clint Salis - Cooley
  • Classified Employee of the Year (Office/Clerical) - Ann Wilmoth - Sargeant
  • Classified Employee of the Year (Maintenance/Custodial) - Brian Hale
Congrats to our RCSD parents that attended our 7-week Parent University program!  Thank you to Woodbridge's Sara Jensen and Sandra Diaz for organizing and running the program.
Tommy Apostolos Fund Dinner
The 30th Anniversary Tommy Apostolos Fund Dinner is Saturday, April 6, 2019, 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. at The Grounds in Roseville. We are excited to have you join us. 

The funds raised from this event allow the Tommy Apostolos Fund to provide winter clothing to over 400 Roseville City School District children, plus over 100 more, during the annual Holiday Shopping Days in December.  The dinner should be a great evening full of good music, food, and fundraising.  

RCSD staff receives a discount. Tickets are $35 per person or $60 per couple. To purchase, click here
1st Grade Engineers at Stoneridge

Science building and testing at Eich
PD Opportunity: Alice Keeler Presents-Leveraging G-Suite to Empower Mathematical Thinking 
Alice Keeler is coming to Sacramento, April 25th.  Teaching math in the 21st century is different, it asks students to be critical thinkers, model their math, critique the reasoning of others, and to analyze. Many of the math problems we have traditionally been using have literally become obsolete as a result of modern technology. This is a gift! This session is an introduction to ways we can use G-Suite to make this shift.
 Leveraging G-Suite to Empower Mathematical Thinking
Kaseberg students enjoying their author visit.
Golf during PE at Cirby
Digital Literacy Tips
The HyperDocs Toolbox: 14 engaging example activities
Congrats to Aaron B. from Stoneridge and Ashleen G. from Orchard Ranch for finishing in the top 5 of Spelling Bee winners in the entire county!
Interesting Articles We Read of Videos We Watched
How Khan Academy is Bringing Mastery Learning to the Masses- Cult of Pedagogy
My Favorite No (Video)- Teacher Channel- Math Warm-Up Routine
This 8-Year-Old Chess Champion Will Make You Smile- NY Times
