October 11, 2019 RCSD Educator Blog

October 31 PD Day
We are excited to provide you with a powerful day of learning on October 31st!   The day will focus on successful practices that support all of our kids by Name.Face.Story. 

Our day will start out with an amazing keynote speaker, Martha Merchant.  She will present her keynote at Destiny Church, from 8:30 - 10:45. You will have from 10:45-12:15 for lunch and travel time, as our choice sessions will be hosted at Eich Middle School. We will be offering two sessions of choice for both classified and certificated staff.

You can view the schedule for the day and choice options at, https://rcsdnamefacestory2019.sched.com

We look forward to learning with you and we hope that you find the day to be helpful and support your daily work with our students and staff.
Congrats to the 2019 PIE Grant Recipients!
Elementary AFG Committee learning together at their first meeting.
iReady Reminder!  
Elementary iReady Window 2: 
October 14 - November 8
*Your State and District Assessment Leader will assign the test to your site on the date you want to begin!
Math collaboration at Orchard Ranch
Casting and Airplaying to TVs
Technology Services has pushed a script to all site networks in hopes to resolve the issue of students being able to interrupt instructional time by casting or AirPlaying to classroom televisions. The following roles can no longer Cast or Airplay to the televisions: Guest Devices BYOD Devices RCSDKIDS Chromebooks (Chromebooks purchased by the District for student use) Please submit a SchoolDude ticket if a student is able to connect after today, so we can investigate.

Working on penguin dwellings during science at Eich.

MTSS Spotlight
One of the best ways to handle problematic behavior is prevention. If you can prevent behavior problems before they start, you’ll end up with a much happier classroom of students. Preventing behavior problems does require extra time and effort; however, it is a crucial and worthwhile investment that will save you time in the long run. Here are some steps for preventing problematic behavior.
Develop a healthy relationship with your students 
Spend time developing a strong classroom culture.   Allow the students to get to know you and to get to know one another.  
Make rules clear and be consistent
Kids can’t follow the rules if they aren’t sure what your expectations are. 
Provide structure and a schedule
Students appreciate when things are stable and predictable.  They know what the boundaries are and they know what will happen when those rules/boundaries aren’t followed.  
Praise good behavior and focus on the positive  
It is so easy to get caught up in the negative.  If we focus on the negative, we see more negative.  If we focus on the positive and explain and consistently model the desired behavior, it goes further.  
Teach social-emotional wellness
Using Second Step and classroom meetings, etc to help students process their emotions and relationships are KEY!
Plan ahead
This equates to less downtime and fewer issues in the classroom. 
Have class meetings
Be purposeful with how and when you set the meetings.  Start with team building-type questions. This allows for increased awareness of students with each other and leads to a positive classroom climate. 

The MTSS Committee continuing their work together.
Kaseberg, students, staff, and parents thanking Roseville Police.
Reports in PTP
Looking to run student grade reports?  Here are two different reports that help.
Standard Score Report-You can run this report for any student. This report is helpful for anyone but also for admin, 504 coordinators, or RSP teachers.
Student Reports in PTP -You can run this report for any student in your class. Can break down the report by standard scores, assignment scores, or categories.
Students at Blue Oaks writing recipes, preparing the food, and enjoying their creation.
