October 22, 2020 RCSD Educator Blog

Information for Staff Document
We know there are a lot of questions regarding coming back with students. Please review the document below that has responses to some of those questions.

Trimester 1 Report Cards

As a reminder, the District will be creating the report cards to send home this 1st Trimester.  Here is the timeline:
  • The District will send an email on 10/22 letting parents know that the report card will be sent on 10/30.  Please click here to view the message that will be sent on 10/22 and then scroll down on this document to see the message sent on 10/30.

  • Grades completed by 10/27 at 11:59 pm

  • Every school site will get a shared folder where they can view PDF of the reports.  Those reports will be uploaded into the shared folder by 10am on 10/28 and the folder will be shared with your site.  Please note the final report card will include the RCSD logo and will be a combined file (Academics and Participation for Elementary and Learning Behaviors for MS) but not for the preview.  Here is a short video showing how you can search a PDF for a specific student.

    • Elementary: Your reports will be organized by teacher for Summative (ABC Standards, Math, ELA, and Notes).  There will be one PDF for Participation grades.  While the final report card will have these reports together, because of the quick turnaround we cannot print out the participation report by teacher.

    • ABC Standards Google Doc. This document has the ABC standard descriptions that are on the grading rubric in Otus. Teachers asked to have it in Google doc form as well as in Otus.

    • Report Card Rubric Guide -Elementary- This is the document that shows how teachers will enter grades for elementary.

    • Middle School:  You should already have access to your shared folder. Your file is shared by grade level and separated by Academics and Learning Behaviors.  

  • All updates need to be done by the teacher by noon on 10/29.  We know this is quick turnaround but there is no way to space it out more with grades being completed on 10/27 at 11:59 and then us needing to run any updates the afternoon of 10/29.

  • District will run the reports the afternoon of 10/29.  Final PDFs will be uploaded to the shared school folders.

  • Email to parents on 10/30 

There have been questions about how to have a score go into 2nd Trimester. Grades in Otus go by the due date. Meaning if you assign something today and the due date is 11/5, the grade will go into Trimester 2.

Once again here are samples of what the report cards will look like:

Sample Elementary Report Card

Sample MS Report Card

If you have specific questions about the report card preview you are seeing please email the following Ed Services team member:

Joe Clark- All Middle Schools

Megan Spears- Orchard Ranch, Spanger, Fiddy, Junction, Thomas Jefferson

Brandon Blom- Sargeant, Diamond Creek, Crestmont, TK

Jennie Ruvalcalba- Kaseberg, Woodbridge, Blue Oaks, Stoneridge

Julie Murdaugh- Cirby, Brown, Riego Creek, Gates


Otus Information

Otus Advanced Assessments and Rubrics

Continue to find any newly created district assessments (Advanced Assessments and Rubrics) in your “Shared With Me” folder in Otus. Please continue to give feedback on the assessment and rubrics in this form.

Navigating the Otus Gradebook

For detailed instructions on navigating the Otus gradebook, please reference this guide.  

Navigating the Gradebook

Download and Save Data

Teachers have asked how they can share gradebook data and specific assessments with a student’s new teacher. This guide will show you how you can download and save gradebook and assessment data.  

Download Gradebook and Assessment Data

Do Not Delete Assessments, Unassign First
A reminder that if you want to remove a score for students, do not delete the assessment, instead unassign the assessment and then delete.

Monday PD and Additional Information

Optional Monday PD
A reminder you can find the Monday PD Zoom links and descriptions on this document.

Behavior Buzz
Check out this month’s newsletter written by our wonderful Behavior Analysts.  Read the Behavior Buzz for great information. 

Ed Services Role

The roles in Educational Services are continuing to change as we continue to support the implementation of different learning models and have one less coordinator on staff this year.

The Coordinators will support the named areas for now:

  • Jennie Ruvalcaba-English Learners, Middle School ELA

  • Megan Spears-Mathematics, Science, PPP

  • Julie Murdaugh-Elementary ELA, PBIS, Second Step, SSP

Closed Captioning in Zoom
Zoom now offers closed captioning!  Please review the guide below on how to go into your settings to set it up and how to show students or parents that need or would like to use closed captioning how to use it.
Closed Captioning in Zoom

Technology Update

As the District transitions to in-person instruction for some students, we thought it would be helpful to share the following updates around student access to technology:

Information for both Elementary and Middle School

Wireless Network Expansion

Due to the recent purchase of devices to support distance learning, the District has identified weaknesses within the network infrastructure in supporting students when they return to a one-to-one environment.

To reduce shared surfaces, and maintain social distancing, the wireless infrastructure will need to be expanded at some sites to support those devices and provide coverage both inside and outside classrooms.

The Network Analyst team is working with our partners to finalize all cabling and equipment installation projects prior to November 20th. If you identify any performance issues when students return, please continue to submit a support request through SchoolDude, and we’d be happy to assist.

Middle School Chromebook Information

Middle School students will be expected to bring either a Chromebook or laptop to and from school with them each day.

  • The Student Mobile Device loaner program will remain optional. Students that wish to use their own device, must complete the District’s Bring-Your-Own Device Policy agreement prior to the first day of in-person instruction, and return the completed agreement to their school site.

  • Students should be reminded to ensure devices are fully charged and ready for use, and bring their charger with them.

Elementary Chromebook Information

Elementary School students returning to in-person instruction will be asked to return the device issued to them to their home school between November 2nd - November 6th. Principals will be communicating with staff and families what this plan looks like. When students return devices it is important staff puts a sticky note with the students name on the device so we know who that device belongs to.

  • To support CAASPP, 3rd through 5th grade will remain one-to-one with devices remaining on campus.

  • The District is currently working with each site to identify available inventory to see if the District can support one-to-one Preschool through 2nd grade. 

  • Please plan your lessons around not having access to technology in the first few weeks students return, as we collect inventory and re-wire charging stations.

Re-wiring Chromebook Charging Stations and Carts

As devices and chargers are returned Technology Services will begin rewiring Chromebook charging stations and carts to ensure each classroom has a secure option to charge devices nightly.

  • Technology Services is unable to do this ahead of devices being returned, due to the chargers being issued with the devices. 

  • Please understand this will take some time to complete, and feel free to use the available surge protectors within your classroom to charge Chromebooks as needed.
