January 13, 2022 RCSD Educator Blog

Ed Services Update

iReady Testing Window 2 Testing Information
Due to the number of absences we have been getting some requests to extend the testing window for iReady. Students that have not been quarantined or out a significant amount of time in January must test within Window 2. Below is some additional information.

iReady Testing At Home
Our RCSD data across sites over the past few years have shown that students in grades 3-8, on average, score about the same whether they take the test at home or at school. Students in grades K-2 tend to score much higher at home. Here are the recommendations (not requirements) in regards to having students take the iReady Diagnostic at home:
  • Grades K-2 it is not recommended they take the assessment at home. We understand that some students may need to test outside the window in grades K-2 if they are quarantined. Quarantined students can finish the assessment outside the window if necessary.
  • Grades 3-5 it is up to the teacher. Ideally, students would test within the window, however, you know your students and what works best for them. Quarantined students can finish the assessment outside the window if necessary
  • Grades 6-8 it is recommended you have students test at home for two reasons. First, when students come back you do not have much time in your class for them to get caught up with instruction and take the test. Second, the data from students taking it home as compared to in school is almost identical for middle school students. You can utilize Classwize if you have a specific time you want them to take it so you can monitor their screen.
Once a diagnostic is started, students will have 28 days to finish the assessment. This is an extension from iReady’s typical 21 day testing period.

Assessment Best Practices
  • If you are in person and have not started the diagnostic, we recommend you start now and do not wait until next week.
  • For elementary students, when students come back from quarantine, it is best practice to find time outside your 1st instruction schedule, if possible.
  • Students should not miss lunch or recess to finish the assessment.
Contact: Brandon Blom

2022 Summative ELPAC for All English Learners
All of our English Learners (EL) will be taking the Summative ELPAC between February and April.The ELPAC is a required state assessment that measures English proficiency in Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Please schedule time to work with your EL students on these Online ELPAC Practice Assessments before they take the Summative ELPAC. These practice tests are a great tool for understanding what is asked of our students during the annual ELPAC administration.
Contact: Jennie Ruvalcaba

EduTyping Reminder
A reminder that all students in 1st through 6th grade have access to Edutyping. Please see the links below with more details on how to log in as a student or teacher.
EduTyping- Student Log In
EduTyping- Teacher Log In
Contact: Brandon Blom

RCSD Digital Citizenship Reminder
A reminder that in RCSD we teach Digital Citizenship to all students K-8. The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requires that all students K-12 receive Internet Safety lessons to learn about appropriate online behavior each year and we use Common Sense Media for our safety lessons.

The lesson topics are the same as last year. The format of the website has changed a little but you can still easily find Lesson Slides, instructions, and handouts all in one place. Below is a link with the lessons for each grade level.

The expectation is that all lessons for your grade level are taught by the end of the school year.

Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship Lessons
Contact: Brandon Blom

K, 1st, 4th, and 5th-grade Teachers Needed
The RCSD Elementary Math Essential Standards Implementation Team has been working on and off for the past two years to look at best practices when it comes to K-5 math essential standards. In order to get specific advice for each grade level, we will have two representatives for every grade level K-5. We currently have two reps for 2nd and 3rd grade. We still need one rep for each of the following grade levels; K, 1st, 4th, and 5th.

If you are interested in joining this team please fill out the form below. Teachers that are selected for the committee will be compensated for 10 hours at the Professional Development rate of $32 per hour.

Please use the following document to learn more information about the team including meeting times and dates. Who, What, When, Where, and Why

You can apply using the form below. Applications are due by Friday, January 21st. Team members will be notified by Tuesday, January 25th.

Elementary Math Essential Standards Implementation Team Application Form
Contact: Megan Spears

K-5 Science Virtual Field Trips
Explore and register for all upcoming Discovery Education Virtual Field Trips HERE. Discovery Education is very excited for their Panasonic VFT with Katie Ledecky on January 25th!
Contact: Megan Spears

General Updates

Grokker January Challenge- Power up for 2022
January 10-31 - Calm &Strong & Healthy & Happy
Find your district and join team here.
Don't have a Grokker account? Create one here.

Taking Control of your Taxes, live virtual webinar
Tax time live, virtual session will focus on learning how investment decisions in today’s challenging tax environment can impact the income you receive in retirement.
January 20th from 5:00-6:00PM Click Here to Register!

Clearing the Clutter – live, virtual webinar
Most people have no idea how much their clutter affects them. It can affect their productivity, their self-esteem, their social life and even their weight! People who live with excess clutter say they can’t find the energy to begin to clear it.
January 13 at 4:30pm Register here

15-minute Afternoon Reset: Energize your Mind – live, virtual webinar short practice
Practice stimulating habits to maximize your brains potential and inspire creativity.
January 25 at 3:00-3:15pm Register here


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