September 12, 2024 RCSD Educator Digest

Educational Services

Progress Reports
A reminder, Elementary Progress Reports need to go home by Friday, September 27th. Progress Report PLC prep day is September 18th.
Please see the documents below for additional information:
Progress Report Communication - This document includes information regarding what is required regarding Progress Reports and an explanation on how to use the Progress Reports.
RCSD Elementary Progress Reports - This document has linked to all progress reports.

TK/K/1 Specific Information (Trimester 1 Only)
Please print and send home the ESGI Parent Letter for each student along with your Learning Behaviors Progress Reports. For information on which assessments to include, please see the calendars below.
2024-2025 TK Assessment Calendar
2024-2025 Kindergarten Assessment Calendar
2024-2025 1st Grade Assessment Calendar
How to Print a Parent Letter - Video

Middle School Mid-Trimester Progress Check
Middle School Teachers: An email from the school site will go home on Friday, September 27 to remind parents they can check grades in Otus. Here is a sample of the message that will be sent home by the school site. A reminder all students should have a grade for both Engagement and Work Completion.
Contact: Angela Garcia

TK-1 Foundational Skills Assessments
Please have beginning of the year assessments in ESGI by September 20. See the benchmark guides below.
TK: ELA / Math
Kindergarten: ELA / Math
1st-Grade: ELA / Math
Contact: Lisa Wegsteen/Kelly Yusim

K-5 Science: Mystery Science Next Generation Science Standards Alignment Guide
You can reference Mystery Science’s NGSS Alignment Guide to see how each lesson in each unit of Mystery Science is aligned with the NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas, Cross-Cutting Concepts, and Science and Engineering Practices. It also provides an overview of all the units in each grade level.

Contact: Lisa Wegsteen

K-8 Science Materials: Ordering From the Media Center
If you need materials for a science lab you are planning, you can order materials from the Media Center through your site’s Library Media Specialist.
List of Science Materials
To place an order, please follow the steps provided at the top of the first tab called “Complete List/Order Form”.
Contact: Lisa Wegsteen

Personnel Services

Fit On

Wellness is proud to announce Fit On.
You must sign up with your RCSD email and you can not sign in through Google.
Look for exciting things to come, new challenges, new prizes and a lot more.
Contact: Rene’ Perkett & Lori Orr
